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Your Computer Screen’s Effect on Your Eyes

As technology continues to grow and be a big part of our daily lives, you may find yourself spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen. Whether you are needing to stare at the computer for work or personal use, prolonged staring has several effects on your eyes.  This is called Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVC.  CVC describes the …

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Simple Guide for Reading Your Eyeglass Prescription

After getting a comprehensive eye exam and finding out you need vision correction, you may find yourself confused on what your eyeglass prescription means. Your optometrist should tell you whether you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or if you have an astigmatism. However, beyond your diagnosis, the abbreviated words on your prescription are a mystery to many patients. So, what does it all really mean? Use …

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Ever Wonder Why Your Eyes Water? Here’s Why.

Do you ever find yourself wondering why your eyes randomly water? Although tears are important and not only keep our eyes hydrated but also help keep foreign bodies out of our eyes, overly watery eyes is annoying. Here are a few reasons why your eyes could potentially be watering, along with a quick remedy to use when it happens. Weather Weather …

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Reducing Bags and Dark Circles Under Eyes, the Right Way

Dark circles and bags under the eyes can be caused by a multitude of reasons, but most commonly due to sleep deprivation, allergies, or stress. Regardless of why, dark circles and puffy eyes can make you appear older than you actually are. Here is a list of some of the best and effective remedies to get rid of and reduce …

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4 Potential Causes For Dry Eyes and How to Treat Them

Suffering from dry, tired eyes is uncomfortable and can prohibit you from being able to go about your daily life. Dry eyes can cause blurred vision, redness, itchiness, and an overall gritty sensation in the eye. In general, the lack of tear production is what causes dry eye because tears act as a lubricant. Here are four potential causes for …